Quantum Computing has aroused great interest around the world and will undoubtedly be of great importance in the years to come. In this article we will see which countries are exploring this revolutionary technology. But before we start let’s remember what quantum computing is. We build standard computers witch classical bits. However, each quantum computer has qubits, as building blocks, that can use 1 and 0 simultaneously. After understanding the concept, let’s see which countries invest the most in Quantum Computing.
Which countries are participating in the quantum race?
An article by the Center for New American Security indicated that China is positioning itself as a powerhouse in quantum science. Both the European Union and countries such as the United States, Germany, Russia and India have increased their investment in Quantum Computing by understanding the strategic importance of this technology for the coming years. For example, the Indian government announced that it will allocate a budget to form a national delegation of quantum applications and technology for this year. On the other hand, in Russia they launched the first prototype of a quantum computer in October last year.
What is QIS?
QIS stands for Quantum Information Science. Quantum technologies are a revolution in the way information is processed.
Quantum Information Science aims to apply quantum properties present in tiny systems. This will improve tasks such as data processing and transmission, among other applications.
United States vs. China
The National Council of Science and Technology of the United States published a new strategy for the development of Quantum Information Science last September. In addition, an investment of about 250 million dollars was also announced to carry out more than a hundred projects related to this field of science.
On the other side of the world, in China, something similar is happening too. The Beijing government is building a new National Laboratory for Quantum Information Sciences in Hefei, Anhui province. This building has a cost of about 65.5 billion yuan, and they have the intention of opening it this year. In addition, in 2018 they launched what they call the first quantum communications satellite.
The objective of this satellite is to achieve quantum communication with the satellite from the ground. They will be able to carry out communications between two points on the ground with a quantum encrypted signal. This works because the satellite acts as a repeater between those two points on the ground. The main goal is to know if the information has been intercepted or has reached its destination safely. This information would be impossible to obtain with the information transfer methods that we currently use.
Europe’s bet on Quantum Computing
The main application of quantum technologies in Europe goes hand in hand with communications. The main objective of the European Community at this time is to apply these technologies in the creation of secure networks that allow interconnection between European countries, thus being able to have more secure networks against hackers. Europe is endowing the best projects with great funding for research in the next decade. This shows that the European Community considers quantum technologies as a priority when it comes to competing with the United States and China.
The initiative aims to put Europe in an advantageous position in terms of quantum technologies that are now being deployed around the world. Other funded projects are those aimed at bringing quantum physics research, which is done in laboratories, to the markets through commercial applications.
Is it possible to apply Quantum Computing today?
Creating a quantum computer is where all efforts in the field of CIC are moving. Classical computing, which works in bits, operates information only in two states, 0 and 1. However, as we have commented, quantum computing also works with the superposition of both states. Quantum computers use the motion of subatomic particles to process data in quantities impossible to handle by classical computing.
Currently, the technology is mostly at a theoretical level. However, it is expected that one day calculations will be achieved that will leave classic computers out of date. In the United States, companies like IBM, Google and Microsoft are developing their own quantum computers.
Is quantum technology the revolution of the future?
Indeed, a quantum computer will be able to solve many unsolvable problems we face today.
The main interest of countries that invest in Quantum Computing is usually mainly to apply it to defense issues, with applications such as strengthening communications security or even detecting intruding aircraft.